Listen to Free Samples of Integral Recovery Classes
Explore the future of recovery and addiction treatment and learn how the Integral model and practices can make a difference. Listen to three excerpts from our weekly, online class lectures given by the IRI faculty. Complete the box to the right to access the downloads and receive information about IRI courses.
Learn how Integral practices can heal and inspire your life, whether you are an addict or not.
- Learn about and be inspired by a 21st century approach to the treatment of addiction — one that includes not only addicts but everyone who has been affected by the disease.
- See how the Integral map illuminates one of our most pressing human tragedies, namely alcoholism and drug addiction.
- Join the pioneering Integral Recovery Institute community!
These free excerpts of IRI lectures are for you, if you are interested in:
- Deepening your own recovery process
- Learning about Integral Recovery for professional reasons – if you are a therapist, substance abuse counselor, coach, psychologist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, or other healthcare professional
- Learning about Integral Recovery for other personal reasons (family & friends)
“John Dupuy’s Integral Recovery is a revolutionary application of Integral Theory to the national epidemic of substance abuse and addictive behavior. Clear, comprehensive, and appropriately inclusive, it points to a radically new way to deal with alcoholism and addiction, one that looks to be incredibly promising and much more effective than existing approaches, all of which are partial and segmented. The Integral approach, on the other hand, by taking a truly holistic (in the best sense of that term) approach, points to a comprehensive strategy much more promising in its results. Highly recommended for professional and layperson alike!”