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Welcome to the Integral Recovery Institute
The Integral Recovery Institute is an online addiction treatment service, consultancy, and training academy for individuals in recovery as well as therapists who are dedicated to the global development and application of Integral Theory and Practice in addiction treatment and recovery.The Integral Recovery Institute (IRI) offers virtual addiction treatment via video conference for individuals who are struggling with addiction and for whom online individual counseling may be effective. We assist our clients in developing personalized Integral Recovery Practice programs, which enable our clients to mindfully practice their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental dimensions as part of a lifestyle-oriented approach geared towards continued personal growth and development in relation to self, others, and the transcendent.The Integral Recovery Institute also hosts three online courses for those interested in applying this approach to their personal or professional lives.1) Integral Recovery Practitioners Course: The practitioner’s course is designed for anyone interested in learning more about Integral Recovery — whether it’s because you want to deepen your own recovery process or because you want to learn about Integral Recovery for other personal or professional reasons. The focus of this course is to provide a lived experience of the application of the Integral Recovery model and practices.2) Integral Recovery Therapy Certificate Course: The certificate course will develop your core skill set to enable you to become an effective IR healthcare provider, whether you are a therapist, coach, psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor. This course provides an academic introduction to Integral Recovery Therapy as well as teaching practical applications of Integral Recovery Practice. One of the core philosophies of Integral Recovery is that the Integral Recovery health care practitioners must be engaged in their own Integral practice, thus able to guide their clients and patients into territory with which they are familiar. Upon completion of the course, a Certificate in Integral Recovery Therapy is awarded to students.3) Integral Recovery Therapy Diploma: The diploma course builds upon the academic and practical training of the certificate course, and includes a clinical internship in a therapeutic milieu under the supervision of IRI. The certificate course is a prerequisite for the diploma course. In our diploma course, the therapist is guided through various case studies by an IRI tutor to further deepen the theory learned in the certificate course. Upon completion of the course, a Diploma in Integral Recovery Therapy is awarded to students.
“Addiction, whatever its form, has always been a desperate search, on a false and hopeless path, for the fulfillment of human freedom.” – Medard Boss