The Integral map changes our understanding of addiction and recovery, and offers new hope for a lifetime of health, sobriety, and well-being. The Integral Recovery Institute provides a map and a tool kit with which to navigate the journey of recovery, awakening, and creating your best self.

Ken Wilber
Integral Philosopher and author
...a very important example of how to apply the Integral model to the process of recovery, thus insuring us that the approach will be more comprehensive, inclusive, and therefore more effective.


Waking Up
By developing our ability to access deep meditative states, we gain insight into the nature of our true selves, our reality, and our place in the Kosmos.

Growing Up
In the beginning, growing up means accepting full accountability and responsibility for our lives and our decisions. As we continue our practice, we learn to see the world from additional perspectives, accelerating our evolution to unprecedented levels of development.

Cleaning Up
"Getting clean" is only the beginning. By working deeply with our emotions, we begin to re-integrate our repressed and projected shadow elements. Then, true healing can begin.

Showing Up
Mastery is built through daily practice. Showing up means doing the work. Being accountable. Showing up takes courage in the face in of fear and uncertainty. But when we show up consistently, we quickly develop the grit, resilience, strength of character, and levels of performance that transform our lives.

Integral Recovery: A Revolutionary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism and Addiction
2013 USA Best Book Award
This book is for everyone who is suffering from the disease of addiction or who cares about someone who is: for addicts, their families and friends, and their health care providers. It is for those who are currently in recovery and looking for a way to shift their recovery into a higher gear—from just surviving and muddling through to becoming the absolute best version of themselves—from mere recovery to Integral Recovery.
In addition to providing an illuminating and inspiring map to the path of recovery, Integral Recovery teaches life-changing practices that initiate the addict on a journey of healing, transformation, and awakening, offering the possibility of a lifetime of health, joy, and sobriety.

Dennis Wittrock, M.A.
Co-founder and board member of Integral Europe, Co-Director Integral European Conference
Integral Recovery is where the rubber meets the road and integral theory gets a glorious vehicle of sacred practice to literally save lives. John Dupuy is a true hero of practice and authentically embodies the principles of his pioneering work to treat the disease of addiction. Integral Recovery is tough love in its highest expression, and you know what: it's not just for addicts.

Bill Harris
Director, Centerpointe Research Institute
Just when we need it the most, John Dupuy has appeared on the addiction recovery scene with a new and more integrated approach that dramatically speeds recovery and reduces relapse rates. Using an innovative Integral approach that treats the addict physiologically, psychologically, and environmentally, John covers all the factors that must be addressed to help the addict step from a self-destructive lifestyle and into a new and addiction-free life.
The Journal of Integral Recovery Podcast

On the Journey of Integral Recovery Podcast, we teach you what we have learned about addiction. But that's just the beginning. When you join our community, you'll learn and apply the revolutionary, transformative, and comprehensive Integral map of development to recovery from alcoholism and addiction.
Integral Recovery: A Revolutionary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism and Addiction

- Deepen your recovery
- Gain a better understanding of the addiction and recovery process
- Improve your physical health
- Heal your emotional life and mend your personal relationships
- Put your life in order (employment, education, living in the world)
- Give and receive support from an engaged, growing community
- Help your loved ones, friends, and family members
I learned more in one hour with you than in a year of psychotherapy.
IRI student
I am totally blown away by John's awareness and knowledge about recovery from addictions. After only one session, I have the tools to start changing my perspective on reality. After using the tools for two weeks, I feel like a new person. There is hope and excitement where before there was depression and anxiety. I
love John's holistic approach, which takes into account mind, body, and spirit. This is a groundbreaking approach to addiction recovery like no other out there. Thanks, John.
--Pip Galea
Coaching client
Words would not describe the phenomenal teaching of Dr. Bob. I've never learned as much as I did from this class, and because of his teaching style, I'm inspired to learn more about this subject. My brain had an upgrade to higher learning from Dr. Bob.
Professor Bob Weathers is the most knowledgeable and passionate instructor on the subject of of substance abuse I have ever had. I have learned more about addiction from him than I have in all of my other classes combined. I am contemplating changing my career to focus on substance abuse because of what he has taught me.
I wish all instructors could be like Dr. Bob. I have never had a class where everyone (and I mean everyone) was sad that the class was ending. Dr. Bob is amazing. He provided so much information and presented it in a way that we could understand and digest the information.
Dr. Bob is a wonderful professor and I thoroughly enjoyed his class. He is so knowledgeable and down to earth, gracious and humble, and I cannot say enough good things about him. Wonderful class.
-- Graduate students in psychology
in southern California